Five reasons you should tackle a charity challenge

Five reasons you should tackle a charity challenge

As the name implies, a charity challenge is undertaken to raise money for an organisation that you believe in. It’s likely that you’re planning to test yourself with a challenge that requires considerable amount physical or mental exertion, usually something such as a long trek or a mountain climb. If you’re wondering why you should put yourself through this, we’ve put together a list of reasons that are bound to convince you!

1.    Learn something new

Here at Global Adventure Challenges, you’ll be spoiled for choice - we have so many exciting activities that mean whatever you decide, you’ll probably be learning something new. Trek your way along the Great Wall of China, cycle from London to Paris or even sled The Lapland Husky Trail in Norway. You may need to train hard to achieve your goal, but the sense of achievement you’ll feel when you get there will be worth all the effort!

2.    Boost your own physical training

It’s simple - charity challenges make you fit. If you do enough training the likelihood is that you’ll be in better shape before you even start your challenge not to mention how great you’ll feel after!

3.    Meet new people

Getting involved with charity work is incredibly social, and you’ll have the chance to meet many like-minded people. Share a tough challenge with another person, and it’s likely that they’ll become a lifelong friend. Who knows, maybe the two of you will think about completing another challenge together in the future.

4.    Make a difference to your chosen charity

It (almost) goes without saying that you’re completing a charity challenge so that you can raise money for and make a difference to your chosen charity. If you ask, the charity that you choose should be able to explain to you exactly where your money will be spent – this is something that you can keep in mind if you ever feel like you’re struggling or want to quit along the way.

5.    Personal development

Completing a charity challenge will develop you in other ways. For helping a worthy cause, you’ll enjoy a sense of fulfilment and selflessness that can be difficult to find. Both of these things will significantly improve your mood. Stating that you’ve completed a tough challenge in an interview for university or a job can also stand as a huge benefit as it proves your courage, tenacity and ability to succeed.

If we’ve convinced you of the benefits of a charity challenge, why not check out what we can offer you. We’ve worked with over 1500 charities from large national causes to local appeals meaning that we’re quite happy to support you no matter what goal you have in mind!

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