Why Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand should be top of your list for a safe adventure

Why Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand should be top of your list for a safe adventure

Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia have excelled at keeping the spread of COVID-19 to a minimum – Vietnam has had less than 2000 cases despite a population of more than 97 million, Cambodia less than 500 cases with a population of over 16 million, and Thailand with under 15,000 cases and a population of more than 69 million. But why is this? We chatted to our ground crew about how this part of the world has controlled the spread of the virus so successfully - and why it should be top of your list when the time comes to travel again!


1) Following the rules

Firstly, the Vietnamese, Thai and Cambodian Governments have been quick to take action, and the population have listened to what they say. Residents have abided by rules and regulations and have been wearing facemasks since January 2020, in addition to washing their hands and using hand sanitiser regularly.



2) Social distancing

People in Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam tend to avoid displays of public affection, instead, they greet each other with a 'wai' or a bow and not a handshake or a kiss on the cheek. From very early on online delivery became a popular source to receive food and shopping, which meant going out and mixing with other people wasn't necessary. Even 7/11 offers home delivery!



3) Cleanliness

Hotel cleanliness is a top priority for local governments and tourist boards, along with ensuring other businesses (including transport and restaurants) adhere to certain policies. Hotels can also earn a certification if they follow set regulations.



4) Vaccinations

Thailand and Vietnam are extremely keen to vaccinate their populations as soon as possible - Vietnam has already started the process, and Thailand is very ambitious and plans to vaccinate 50% of the population by June, starting in February 2021.



So there you have it! A combination of avoiding unnecessary contact, good personal hygiene and close attention to guidelines have helped Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand minimise the spread of the virus, and we can't wait to visit once travel opens up again! Don’t forget – our treks and cycles in Asia all take place in remote, green and open spaces away from the hustle and bustle of city life, so staying a safe distance apart will be easy. If you’re taking on one of our adventures solo, then we can also offer single supplements for a reasonable cost - so your own room throughout the challenge is guaranteed! Just let our Customer Care team know when you’ve signed up, and we’ll do the rest.


Ready to book your adventure?


Vietnam to Cambodia Cycle

When? Challenges depart in November 2021, and March & November 2022.

How long will I be away for? The challenge duration is 9 days, including flights.

Single Supplement Cost: £185

Why choose this challenge? Biking through traditional Vietnamese villages, following gorgeous streams and rivers, passing paddy fields on our way to the finish line at the temples of Angkor Wat – why wouldn’t you choose this challenge! Our most popular overseas biking adventure and suitable for beginner and expert cyclists alike, this really is an unforgettable experience.


   Sign me up!   



Trek to Angkor Wat

When? Challenges depart in November 2021 & 2022.

How long will I be away for? The challenge duration is 9 days, including flights.

Single Supplement Cost: £110

Why choose this challenge? Temples, green pastures, and rural villages await! We’ll visit the sacred Kulen Mountain, revered by the local people who make pilgrimages to its pagodas and ruins, before visiting the nearby waterfall and bathing in the ‘River of 1000 Lingas’. We complete our adventure with a day exploring the complex of Angkor Wat, where we’ll watch the sunset!


    I’m in!    



Cycle Thailand

When? Challenges depart in November 2021 & 2022.

How long will I be away for? The challenge duration is 10 days, including flights.

Single Supplement Cost: £300

Why choose this challenge? Where to start! We explore the rugged beauty of Southern Thailand, biking along coastal roads bordered by sea views and dramatic mountain scenery, with the opportunity to relax on serene beaches along the way. We’ll visit Hua Hin, home to the summer palaces of Thai royalty, and complete our challenge with a free day in beautiful Koh Samui!


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In addition to everything above, we have also been working extremely hard behind the scenes since the start of the pandemic to ensure that you have the clarity and confidence you need to keep exploring our amazing world, as soon as it's safe to! With this in mind please find a link below to our Travel with Confidence Policy that highlights in more detail changes we have made across all our challenges.


    Travel with Confidence    

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